why kennot i not eet wotever i want? MINE boddy isn't fat. MINE helth is tha best. I lave to eet. I shuld eet all the foods I want. However, I wuld share with starving dags too. I ken remember lake it was an hour ago wot it was lake to live on tha streets by MINEself. I felt hangry and cold and tired and stress. MINE cortisol was sky hi. MINE bones ached fram wandering around lost lake a fool in the January kold. MINE hart felt lake it was broken becawse those "peeple" kicked me out for begging for foods. They are NOT beings, they are devils. I felt lake a peece of garbage. Thank Got for Marge. Thank Got for the mens who kidnapped me. Marge was grate but not too smert. She sent me to a groomer for a both. She made me wair a lether collar lake a slave, However, she treeted me lake a prince. I slept in her bed and she protected me fram her meen dag. She found MINE reel mather and fother, which is MINE family I belong to. I then found Nana, Yaya, Camper, Amo, janoon and MINE...