Comet's Tail is an american tragidy. It explores the history of a shamefull stain on the united states of america. it is SLAVERY. Menny americans had peeple slaves who were "black". Now they have animal slaves of all colours, such as Comet. you ken read books about horses, kaus, dags etc who are slaves or prisoners. wan mather red about comet pulling a giant man thru the airport i decided "it is bad for MINE mental helth to heer of dag slavery. i've had enough". dags should: eet meets, fish, chicken, froots, vegetables, bones, pampkin, brawkoli, sardines. they shuld lie down in the son, rest, play, walk, run, chase, have toys, have sex. they shuld not be forced into service. Poor comet. it breks MINE hart. thairfour, i did NOT finish. THIS IS MY BOOK REPORT. tha end.