i wuld lake: to have the big bedroom. i wuld lake: to hide under amo's bed. I wuld lake: 5 dates with aknee. I wuld lake: pampkin, samon, buffalo, coyote, beaver, meets and eggs. I wuld lake: to lie in sun in the back yard. I wuld lake: menny hot laundry piles. I wuld lake: my neck scratched. i wuld lake: fresh water. I wuld lake: interesting dag walks with good wild animal smells. I wuld lake: to see Apo's resting place. I have menny peeces to bye him flours with. I will not go into that kar never. I will not go to Landon Drags, Costco. I will not go to Edelweiss or leena's. I will not go to Fill Sebastian. I will not go pickup Indian foods or milestones. I will not use the kat door. I am NOT wan kat. if it is kold, pleez buy me wan rc pets whistler jacket. i have menny peeces and i will pay for it. mather said i have almost 90 coin peeces. i wuld lake: a grate new skweeker toy lake frosty duck but better. everybady always asks: wot does he lake. well. now everybad...