I felt molested and trapped and starving.then, wan nobady was looking, i ran under the cake table and ate menny apple cake crumb peeces. thank god. menny times i felt so starving and tired and i slept. however, menny womens tried to touch MINE body, hold me. it is abuse becawse i am smaller. the japanese laffed and laffed becawse i turned my hed to understand. it was boring. however, fother was surprised and he got a gift and menny peeple came becawse he is the boss. thairfore, they must. the hotel gave free vanilla eis cream and mather let me lick some. shhhhh. then we went home and it was foggy. i felt exhausted. i won't go out again for a long time. this is holly. she will NOT stop touching on me and MINE hair. It was a lavely danish packback it was nice before peeples came